Chengel Train station in Kharagpur zone, South Eastern Railway division

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All Train Station in Kharagpur, South Eastern Railway

Find all information available for Chengel train station located at National Highway 6, Chakashi, Chengail, Howrah, West Bengal 711308, South Eastern Railway: Find address, localisation, train schedule and all usefull information

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Usefull information about Chengel in Kharagpur, South Eastern Railway

Train schedule

Train schedule:



National Highway 6, Chakashi, Chengail, Howrah, West Bengal 711308, Kharagpur, South Eastern Railway
Map and itinerary

Phone number

We currently don’t have a phone number for Chengel train station in Kharagpur zone. If you do have this information, Please make sure you update it here

You can contact the official Toll Free number here :

Phone : 800-111-139

Informations about Chengel train station

No of platforms : 5
Halting Trains: 143
Nearest Airport: Kolkata Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport

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All Train Station in Kharagpur, South Eastern Railway

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